Welcome to 2022
We've made it through another year of Netflix binges, Zoom meetings, mask-wearing, and copious amounts of sanitiser. Who knows what 2022 will bring us, but no matter what happens, we're here to support you to redefine success and achieve your goals.
Once again, we can take our learnings from the past year and plan for a better 2022. Well, what we can control anyway!
Before you completely eliminate 2021 from your mind, take some time to reflect on what you achieved during the year. Ask yourself the following questions, write down your answers, and store them somewhere safe to revisit at the end of the year. If you did this exercise last year, pull out your answers and spend time reflecting.
What are you most proud of from 2021?
What was your biggest learning?
What is the most valuable thing you learned about yourself?
Who were the most influential and supportive people for you?
What three things from the year are you most grateful for?
What do you wish you'd done more of?
What do you wish you'd done less of?
What three words sum up the year for you?
What skills could you better utilise this year?
What areas should you stretch this year?
What will success look like to you in 2022?
Let's stay connected again this year. There are countless ways we can support you and your business and help you achieve time, mind, and financial freedom. Book a complimentary catch up, lock in a Business Planning session, or reach out for some of our complimentary resources.
The closer we work together, the more we can achieve.
Here's to 2022!